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Updated: cygport-0.20.1-1

I have uploaded a new version of cygport to the Cygwin distribution and
the Fedora/EPEL Cygwin copr.  It is mainly a bug-fix release.

Andrew Schulman (2):
      pkg_upload: detect SHA256 key fingerprints (OpenSSH 6.8 and later)
      document that users must connect once by sftp before uploading

Yaakov Selkowitz (13):
      Fix make distcheck
      Use git describe in cygport version
      Update copyrights for 2015
      qt4: add QT4_MKSPECSDIR, use qmake-qt4 to define variables
      qt4: document QT4_IMPORTSDIR
      qt5: document QT5_IMPORTSDIR, QT5_QMLDIR
      Silence warning with git describe when building from source tarball
      list_deps: fix lua syntax for 5.2
      autotools: do not assume presence of autopoint
      apache: rework as wrapper for httpd.cygclass
      apache2: rework as wrapper for httpd.cygclass
      autotools: update documentation for httpd.cygclass
      Bump version to 0.20.1


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