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imsettings 1.7.2-1, im-chooser 1.6.6-1

The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* imsettings-1.7.2-1
* imsettings-lxde-1.7.2-1
* imsettings-xfce-1.7.2-1
* im-chooser-1.6.6-1
* im-chooser-common-1.6.6-1
* xfce4-im-chooser-1.6.6-1
* libimsettings5-1.7.2-1
* libimsettings-devel-1.7.2-1
* girepository-IMSettings1.7-1.7.2-1

IMSettings is a framework that delivers Input Method settings and applies 
the changes immediately. so it will takes an effect without restarting 
applications and the desktop.

These are updates to the latest upstream releases.


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