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Re[2]: setup.exe exception handling guidelines

Hello Robert,

Tuesday, April 30, 2002, 2:08:37 PM, you wrote:

>> What about the standard C++ library exception class ? In the
>> recent threads regarding setup and libgetopt++ I red that we 
>> libstdc++ can be used now ?

RC> Yes, libstdc++ can be used now. Whats the header for the C++ library
RC> exception class?

#include <exception>

Don't try to look this file in /usr/include/g++-3/. Its found in the

This is the root of all exception and is defined by the C++ language
not the stl library. Exceptions provided by the standard C++ library
are defined in <stdexcept> header. This includes out_of_range,
invalid_argument, overflow_error.

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