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[PLEASE???] curl 7.10.1-1: Request To Upload

Title: [PLEASE???] curl 7.10.1-1: Request To Upload

Would someone kindly upload a new version of curl to the sourceware mirrors for me?

The files are available as follows:


As always, I'll need you to remove the "-cygwin" from the filenames.

The "-devel" package is new. I've split out all the man3 pages, the static libraries, the header files and the sample libcurl programs into a "-devel" package. Here is a setup.hint that I think will do:

  category: Web Libs Devel
  requires: cygwin openssl curl
  sdesc: "(lib)cURL headers, static libraries, developer docs and samples"
  ldesc: "curl-devel is the developer-oriented (non-run-time) parts
  of the cURL package. It includes header files, static libraries,
  example source code snippets, and the libcurl man pages."

The parts I'm not too sure of:

Category - I am assuming "Devel" is appropriate for this. Is it also normal to include the categories of the non-devel binary package (Web and Libs)?

Requires - should curl-devel require "curl"? It seems to me that the curl-devel package isn't too useful without the curl package, but if you're developing against the static libs (instead of the DLL) I suppose it *could* be used without the curl binaries.

Please let me know once this has been completed so I can announce it at cygwin-announce.


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