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Re: Ready for test coreutils-5.2.0-1


Thanks for packaging this and being willing to maintain it.
Comments below.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 04:45:47PM -0500, Mark Blackburn wrote:
> I've created a new coreutils package that I hope addresses some of the 
> concerns recently voiced about it:
>   -cp.exe corrupting files when copying from binary to text mounts.
>   -printf.exe (and others) being statically linked with libintl.a and 
> libiconv.a created large binaries.
> 5a9ee1e8ef9455a14b9ed52c0f52e03e *coreutils-5.2.0-1-src.tar.bz2
> 779d8871f359223c2337a7ead83e2b9f *coreutils-5.2.0-1.tar.bz2
> There are also some patches I'm considering adding from fileutils-4.1-2 
> (proposed-fileutils-patches.txt). I got these by diffing fileutils-4.1 
> with the src package for fileutils-4.1-2. I was hoping that the previous 
> maintainer could comment on these patches so I could figure out if they 
> are relevant for the coreutils package.

If they the changes haven't been made in the coreutils source, why 
not continue using the Cygwin-specific patches?

There are still conflicting binaries:

kill.exe : cygwin-1.5.7-1
readlink.exe : cygutils-1.2.4-1
uptime.exe : procps-010801-2

I think the way other packages have dealt with this problem is by
renaming with a prefix ("corekill" like "prockill") or just
not installing them. I don't want to speak for Chuck, but the
other option is, if he gets a new cygutils ready with Harold's
mkshortcut patch he could also remove readlink from cygutils.

As for obsoleting {file,sh-,text}utils, what we did with 
newlib-man->cygwin-doc was create an empty newlib-man-$NEWVERISON
and put that in cygwin-doc's requires. That could work here.

Speaking of setups.hint, coreutils' ldesc starts with "A command line 
file transfer program. It suppore Utilities" ???

Other than that, the packages looks good. My basic see-if-it-runs
tests worked (for i in *exe; do ./$i --help >> foo; done), and the
source package builds the binary package. 

By the way, downloading the packages was really slow for me. I took
the liberty of putting them here for any other potential reviewers:




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