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Re: Ready for test coreutils-5.2.0-1 [again]

Nicholas Wourms wrote:


I have a suggestion for how to deal with the "old" fileutils/textutils/etc. Provide "empty" versions of the packages this replaces, bumping each by 1 revision. This way, it should "uninstall" the old stuff before installing the new stuff. At least, it worked for Jan when the new teTeX packages were made. Also, IIRC, some of the packages were linked against libbinmode.a to prevent problems with CR/LF. I wonder if this ought to be libautomode?

Do I create the empty packages or is it up to the previous maintainers of fileutils/textutils/sh-utils to do this? And is it simply a matter of running:
for i in fileutils-4.2-3.tar textutils-2.0.21-2 sh-utils-2.0.15-5; do
touch $i; bzip2 $i

About linking with libbinmode.a (or as cgf noted binmode.o), I built fileutils, textutils and sh-utils from the cygwin src packages and I didn't see that being done.

Also, our /bin/sh is pretty much braindead (no job control, amoungst other things) since it was decided that shaving 50k off of ash is worth not having a POSIX compliant version. Subsequently, the nohup script will not work with /bin/sh (ash), so it is necessary to force it to use bash instead. See the following scripts from mknetrel to see what needs to be done pre/post config & build:

The nohup in coreutils is a binary, not a script as in sh-utils. So I don't know whether the mknetrel scripts have any relevance for coreutils.

Note that it is easier to just to pass -L/usr/lib -lbinmode to LDFLAGS instead of bothering with printing gcc's search path.

Finally, this is kinda picky, but why not use bzip2 instead of gzip for the manpages?

If in the future, man pages are to be bzipped instead of gzipped then maybe a patch should be made to generic-build-script. AFAIK no cygwin package currently bzips its man pages.

Cheers, Nicholas

Mark Blackburn

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