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Re: what about LDAP support in GnuPG?

Hi Lapo,

Volker, did you think about adding it?
That way, LDAP-based keyserver can be contacted.
All that is required to have the support is to have openldap-devel
installed at compile-time: GnuPG's configure will auto-detect and use it.
I'm overdue with gnupg 1.2.6 anyway, yes it will contain LDAP.


PGP/GPG key  (ID: 0x9F8A785D)  available  from
key-fingerprint 550D F17E B082 A3E9 F913  9E53 3D35 C9BA 9F8A 785D

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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