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Re: Yaakov: sox?

On Sun, 2011-12-25 at 01:13 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Yaakov,
> I just built Sox to test out your reported problem with /dev/dsp.
> It may have been the most painless build I've seen in a while.
> I was going to package it and upload it but I see that you already
> have an older version available via cygwinports.

14.3.2 is the latest upstream version, which is what I have in Ports.
Did you look at the 1.5 release/ directory instead of release-2/?  (I
never renamed these when 1.7 went stable due to the massive bandwidth it
would cost to update the mirrors.)

> Would you be willing to update the package and put it in the distribution?

I'd we willing to do ITP it, but:

1) Is our policy still to not ship in the distro software which is
patent-encumbered, per:

2) Assuming so, the following additional "safe" dependencies (based on
their presence in Fedora) are in Ports but not yet in the distro:

Can I treat these as pre-approved?

3) PulseAudio output support is also available with Ports, but moving
that to the distro would require another half-dozen or so ITPs,
including Avahi, both of which may require some discussion.  Should I
proceed with those ITPs as well?  (FWIW I'll need to ITP Avahi anyway
for gvfs, which it turns out we need for GNOME 3, per the recent
discussion on cygwin-xfree.)


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