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Re: [ITP] openmpi-1.6.3-2

On Fri, 2012-11-16 at 06:35 +0100, marco atzeri wrote:
> wrong upload. Try now please

I appreciate your doing this, as OpenMPI is used in a component of Boost
which I've been disabling for lack thereof.

Found a few issues:

1) Calling the runtime package just "libopenmpi" will cause trouble
later when one or more of the DLLs have an soname bump.  As they don't
seem to be version-coordinated, separate packages for each runtime is
the safest bet.  Also, the opal and orte libraries are only used
internally; headers are not installed by default.  Revised .cygport

2) AFAICS an additional patch is needed to fix loading of the debugger
module, attached.

3) openmpi can use libesmtp if present.  It is currently available in
Ports; shall I ITP it?


--- origsrc/openmpi-1.6.3/ompi/debuggers/	2012-04-03 09:30:25.000000000 -0500
+++ src/openmpi-1.6.3/ompi/debuggers/	2012-11-15 19:52:47.037390400 -0600
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ libdebuggers_la_SOURCES = \
         $(headers) \
 libdebuggers_la_CPPFLAGS = \
-        -DOMPI_MSGQ_DLL=\"$(pkglibdir)/\" \
-        -DOMPI_MSGQ_DLL_PREFIX=\"libompi_dbg_msgq\" \
-        -DOMPI_MPIHANDLES_DLL_PREFIX=\"libompi_dbg_mpihandles\"
+        -DOMPI_MSGQ_DLL=\"$(pkglibdir)/cygompi_dbg_msgq.dll\" \
+        -DOMPI_MSGQ_DLL_PREFIX=\"cygompi_dbg_msgq\" \
+        -DOMPI_MPIHANDLES_DLL_PREFIX=\"cygompi_dbg_mpihandles\"
 libompi_debugger_canary_la_SOURCES = \

Attachment: openmpi.cygport
Description: application/cygport

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