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setup64.ini update

for what I see the setup64.ini is manually updated, but there is a
mismatch between the build and the location

  install: 64bit/release

from GEN-sware:

cd /sourceware/ftp/pub/cygwin || exit 1
[cut]/bin/genini --recursive --output=64bit/setup64.ini 64bit/release
cd 64bit || exit 1
bzip2 -9c setup64.ini > setup64.bz2
chmod 664 setup64.ini setup64.bz2

It should be built in the 64bit directory with

 cd /sourceware/ftp/pub/cygwin/64bit
 [cut]/bin/genini --recursive --output=setup64.ini release

otherwise the only way for setup64 to work is to copy back
the setup64.exe and setup64.ini from pub/cygwin/64bit to pub/cygwin


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