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Re: 64-bit Cygwin installation is missing /usr/bin/lockfile

On 2013-08-14 09:13, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
I'm puzzled.  Here's my procmail.cygport file:
MAKEOPTS="EXE=.exe LOCKINGTEST=100 BASENAME=${D}/usr MANDIR=${D}/usr/share/man"

The important thing here is the definition of MAKEOPTS.  When I call
`cygport procmail.cygport install, then cygmake is called with
BASENAME set to just /usr, not to the evaluated resulting string

Why is ${P} in SRC_URI evaluated correctly, but why isn't ${D} in

PN/PV/PR/P/etc. are defined before source()ing the cygport(5) -- dating back to when these were detected from the file name instead of its contents -- but S/B/C/D are initialized *afterwards*, primarily because S can vary if SRC_DIR is defined.

In this case, you'll need to pass the BASENAME and MANDIR arguments directly to cygmake and cyginstall.


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