# package name NAME="chicken" VERSION= RELEASE=1 # setup.hint generation CATEGORY="interpreters" SUMMARY="A practical and portable scheme system." DESCRIPTION="A practical and portable scheme system. CHICKEN is a compiler for the Scheme programming language. CHICKEN produces portable and efficient C, supports almost all of the R5RS Scheme language standard, and includes many enhancements and extensions." REQUIRES="make gcc-core gcc-g++" # source and patch files SRC_URI="http://code.call-cc.org/releases/${PV}/${P}.tar.gz" PATCH_URI="chicken-prepost.patch" AR=$(arch) if [ $AR = "i686" ] then MAKEOPTS="PREFIX=/usr PLATFORM=cygwin ARCH=x86" elif [ $AR = "x86_64" ] then MAKEOPTS="PREFIX=/usr PLATFORM=cygwin ARCH=x86-64 HACKED_APPLY=" else ECHO "Unknown Architecture" fi src_compile() { lndirs cd ${B} cygmake } src_install() { cd ${B} cyginstall } src_test() { cd ${B} cygmake -i check }