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Re: Zstandard support for setup

Jon Turney writes:
> This should check for ztd in using PKG_CHECK_MODULES,
> rather than just assuming -lzstd is going to work.

Sure.  Waiting for your patch to actually use pkg_config to rebase it

> The setup executables are cross-built on Fedora, so a
> mingw{32,64}-zstd-static package will need to become available.

I don't have any contacts into the Fedora community, so I'd appreciate
if maybe Yaakov could help?  I have not yet found a distro that already
has packages for MinGW.

> compress_zstd.c:
> + using namespace std;
> Please don't

That's a copy from the compress_xz files and it's used in many files
elsewhere.  Care to explain why you'd want it removed?  If there's a
good reason I'd tend to move this to a clean-up commit that touches all
those files.  We should do that before hauling Zstdandard in.

> compress_zstd.h:
> +/* this is the parent class for all compress IO operations.
> + */
> Comment is incorrect

Another copy-paste, so that cleanup also needs to be applied to more
files (gz and xz).

> I'd suggest removing all the 'virtual' since this class is final, but
> since all the compress subclasses have it, don't bother.

Same as above, so we should clean up there first as well.

>> The debug output statements are still in the code (although commented),
>> I'll let that sit a while and see if I find something else I want to
>> clean up before I submit it for the upstream repo.
> I'd suggest keeping potentially useful ones under #ifdef DEBUG/#endif
> rather than just removing them all.

At the moment I'd rather remove them all as they were just meant for me
to check if things were working as I had assumed.  These produce a lot
more output than the usual debugging statements and you don't really
benefit if I keep just a subset enabled.  If we had a debugging facility
that knew about subsystems it would be a different matter (it's long
been on my TODO list, near the bottom unfortunately).

I'm attending a conference most of next week, so I need to postpone any
real work until the next weekend at the minimum.

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