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cygport for simple package addon: skip prep?

I am trying to write a cygport file for an extension to docbook-xsl called mathml.

The latest version of the DTD file is at${VERSION}/dbmathml.dtd, and it is not zipped nor packaged in any way.

The package consists on just a single .DTD file and I can't figure out how to make cygport "skip" the unpack attempt during "cygport prep". I might need to just copy the file into what it assumes to be the package directory, then during compile/install time, just copy over the file to the correct location, and determine that as the package's contents.

I have this debian package as a base to what should be in the package file:

It seems to be a so basic addition that cygport is kind of too complex for it -- but it would be useful as a way to "remember" installation steps required on cygwin, if the correct setup instructions are saved in a cygport file.

Any ideas and directions are welcome. If you know a cygwin package in a similar format (just installs a file that it downloads in its original, uncompressed format), that'd be of great help as well.

Thanks in advance!

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