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Re: [Attn. Maintainers] perl-5.30.1

Achim Gratz writes:
> There's a bug in perl-5.30 that hits only embedded Perl and only in
> certain circumstances.  Reverting the corresponding commit appears to
> work, but makes the resulting Perl binary incompatible (i.e. all XS
> modules and embedded Perls would need to be built again).  I can build a
> new Perl relatively quickly now, so I could do that over the weekend,
> but I wouldn't necessarily want to release that directly.

I have integrated the two patches that revert the offending commit and
re-built Perl and all XS modules (as well as openldap, as one of the
server backends has an embedded perl interpreter). The updated Perl-5.30
repository is now available.  Since I have not changed the release
numbers, you'll have to dupe setup into "upgrading" all perl packages in
your installation (alternatively you'd need to re-install all Perl
related packages manually):

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
sed -i.bak -re 's/^(perl.*) .+ ([01])$/\1 \ \2/'\
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Any XS modules you have locally installed will need to be re-built as
well or they would complain about a mismatched handshake key when trying
to load their DLL.

Please point setup.exe at:


The setup.xz is signed with my PGP key available at $root/stromeko.gpg,
which you can download and then feed to setup.exe via the -K switch.
The fingerprint of that key is:

      B22B 4890 B89E 5E5A 795C  E305 B40B EC75 3152 B1C3

If you have the keyart script (Python, you can just download from, this
is what you should see after importing the key into your public keyring:

> keyart stromeko
+-----[DSA 2048]----+
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+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

SD adaptation for Waldorf microQ V2.22R2:

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