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Re: [PATCH setup 00/11] Improve handling of specifying an obsolete package to be installed on the command line

On 01/12/2019 19:31, Ken Brown wrote:
On 8/1/2019 12:05 PM, Jon Turney wrote:
e.g. setup -q -g -P python3-lxml (which used to do something useful)
currently gets you an (empty) python3-lxml package, which will be replaced
by python36-lxml (which obsoletes it) on the next setup run. After this
change, python36-lxml is installed instead.

See also the dicusssion at et seq. (where I
come to the (incorrect) conclusion that since we don't need this for
interactive use, it's not needed)


Since you don't seem to have gotten any feedback on this patch series, I just
want to let you know that I've been running setup.exe with these patches for a
couple months, and I haven't seen any regressions.  (But I haven't done any
systematic testing or review.)

Thanks very much for giving these a try.

I was recently reminded of these patches and thinking of doing a setup release to include them. Are there any other outstanding patches you are aware of?

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