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Re: tiny winsup config patch

On Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 11:21:10PM -0600, Mumit Khan wrote:
>On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> I didn't think you *could* build cygwin1.dll without newlib in the
>> same tree.  Even if you could, the newlib we build with is the one we
>> want includes from, so if we know where that is, that's where we
>> should get includes from.
>In that case, I suggest having winsup configure check for newlib in the 
>build tree, and choke if not found. We basically add -nostinc when
>compiling both winsup and winsup/utils, and also EXE_LDFLAGS always
>has '-B../../newlib -L../'.
>If this seems appropriate, and it does to me to avoid bizarre and hard 
>to track down errors, it's a trivial change. I'll send a patch if ok.

I don't think that it should be the function of winsup's configure to
ensure that the build environment which surrounds it is ok.  Cygnus
provides a build environment.  If you don't want to use it, then you
take your lumps.

If you're going to check for ../newlib, then you should check for
../libiberty and ../include, too.  Do we really want to go down that
