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Re: OemToAnsi patch from 2000-07-04

On Wed, Nov 15, 2000 at 12:02:28PM +0300, Egor Duda wrote:
>  i've  come  across  Kazuhiro's  patch from 2000-07-04 dealing with
>AnsIToOem  conversion. What do you y=think about conditionalizing this
>code?  something  like  CYGWIN=oem_apis  or  CYGWIN=oem  ?  In russian
>windows   oem   codepage   is  866, while ansi is 1251. People who had
>scripts written before cygwin have switched to ansi now got unreadable
>messages.  if  you think that adding yet another option to CYGWIN env.
>variable won't be too bad, i'll submit the patch.
>btw,  what's  the reason of calling OemToCharA in read_sd (like it was
>before   Kazuhiro's   patch)?   Does   GetFileSecurity   not   honor

I have no problem with a Cygwin option.  Should it be more general, though?
Something like:

set CYGWIN=codepage:oem

Hmm.  This is the second time I've suggested something like this and there
is no facility in for parsing something like foo:enum.  That
would probably be a nice addition.

Can anyone think of a better idea than 'codepage'?  'charset', maybe?


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