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Re: New API call for path conversion

According to Christopher Faylor on 2/22/2008 2:36 PM:
Also, who is the expected consumer of this function?  A linux program
doesn't need it.  And it doesn't really matter if it's not 100% clean if
the only real consumers of the function are programs which are entirely
under our control like mount or cygcheck.

Both the coreutils and bash packages happen to use cygwin path conversion at the moment, in my cygwin-specific patching (coreutils to make 'mv foo Foo' behave nicely by detecting whether two names represent different case spellings of the same underlying file, bash to convert Windows path names into POSIX names to reduce the number of complaints about behavior on text mounts).

Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake

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