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Re: RFC: Cygwin 64 bit?

On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 09:31 +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > Where are they in the first place?  On Linux, there are many binary-only
> > packages available on the web, most of which are 32-bit only.  I have
> > yet to see a single one of those for Cygwin.  Who provides binary
> > packages for Cygwin except for a few of us maintainers with external
> > repos, which could just as well support both (Ports certainly would) or
> > even be part of the distro itself if we changed how the distro was
> > managed.
> Customers of the Cygwin buyout license, for instance.

Alright, having not ever seen them, how many other Cygwin libraries do
those packages use besides Cygwin itself?  Base?  X11?  GTK?  Qt?  It's
hard to solve a problem without knowing its scope.


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