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Re: Resurrect discussion: Mixing 32 and 64 bit distro

On Feb 12 17:50, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Feb 12 11:26, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> > Would it be possible to write some kind of "shim" 64-bit application
> > which "did something" to run a 32-bit Cygwin for people who can't
> > wait to have their favorite package ported to 64-bit?
> I'm not exactly sure what such a shim would have to cover.  You don't
> see much of a problem running 32 bit Cygwin processes from 64 bit
> processes and vice versa in simple cases, But if you run a 32 bit
> process from a 64 bit tcsh running in a 64 bit mintty, the 32 bit
> process doesn't know it's running in a tty.  Same goes vice versa.
> I don't know how we would fix that.  Also, the paths in the environment
> are off, because they are converted to Windows and then back to POSIX,
> but on the way Cygwin's root dir has changed.
> In the first place the problem is that the processes don't use the same
> shared memory, in the second it's the missing data from the cygheap.

FTR:  ...and in the third place it's the fact that the DLLs use different
object dirs in the native NT namespace.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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