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IDN support in getaddrinfo/getnameinfo

Hi guys,

I'd like to have your opinion.

Yesterday I started a small fun-project.  For a while now we have
International Domain Names (IDNs) per RFC 3490.

IDN support usally works like this: There's the libidn project which
provides the "idna_to_ascii" and "idna_to_unicode" functions.  And then
there are the getaddinfo and getnameinfo functions.  Typically the
getaddinfo and getnameinfo functions don't support IDNs directly, so
IDNs are converted to and from punycode using the libidn functions.

But then there's glibc.  Since version 2.3.4, it supports an extension
to the getaddrinfo and getnameinfo functions.  Without going into too
much detail, glibc introduced AI_IDN* flags for getaddrinfo and NI_IDN*
flags for getnameinfo which cover the full functionality provided by
the libidn calls.  That means, a glibc-aware project does not have to
link against libidn, if it uses the new getaddrinfo/getnameinfo flags.

My small fun-project is adding the AI_IDN* and NI_IDN* flags to Cygwin.
The required libidn functionality exists 100% identically in
kernel32.dll since Windows Vista(1) (IdnToAscii/IdnToUnicode) including
the modifier flags, so it's just a matter of calling the UNICODE
functions GetAddrInfoW/GetNameInfoW and calling these IdnToXXX
functions, just like glibc additionally calls idna_to_ascii_lz, etc.  My
new getnameinfo already works with IDNs, the getaddrinfo isn't quite
finished yet.

However, is that really worth the effort?  A portable project won't
have a chance but to use libidn functions anyway.  If it relies on
AI_IDN/NI_IDN, it will only run on Linux.  Well, and on Cygwin in future.
But still, I'm not sure if we should really add this functionality.

What's your stance?  Yes or no?


(1) There's a downloadable OS extension to support the required calls to
    XP and Server 2003 as well, so they are not left out.

Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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