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RE: OoC Ironic assessment (was Serious performance problems (malloc related?))

----Original Message----
>From: Linda W
>Sent: 04 June 2005 23:23

> OoC! OoC!!! (Out of Context) and poppycock!  I didn't speculate on the
> problem, I speculated what made Window's 'File-Open's so slow.
> This is a known problem. It wasn't speculation about what cygwin was
> doing.  ;-/
> Unless, you are asserting that I haven't instrumented WinXP
> to find it's performance bottlenecks, but that would hardly be
> necessary to comment on performance issues concerning POSIX emulation
> vs. native performance.
> Wind me up, you are trying, me thinks.  *Plblblb*
> -l

  goshdarn my secret is out! 

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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