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Re: how come #include "*.cpp" works?

Dave Korn wrote:
On 17 May 2006 16:43, mwoehlke wrote:
On that note, does anyone know of a good C++ forum? I have an
interesting problem I'd like to see if anyone has any clever solutions for.

You've piqued my curiousity now. Go on then, what's the C++ problem? (And for 5 bonus points for topicality, how can it be related to hippos?)

Hehe, ok... but I think I figured out a good way to solve the problem already :-).

I'm writing a program to dump structures from core dumps generated from symbol-less binaries (i.e. no easy looking at structures, etc, in gdb). It works great; you give it a structure name and an address and it reads, decodes, and prints the structure, as well as referenced objects like strings (the idea being to dump whole hierarchies of structures at once).

Anyway... what I do is have an "OBJ" ABC and subclass it for each type of structure I want this program to be able to understand. What I want to do is have some system that entails the fewest *lines* of code (macros to turn one line into lots of *actual* code are OK) that can a: construct an object by name, and b: provide me a list of names of classes which can be created (i.e. if you enter an invalid one, it will tell you valid ones). Any thoughts? (Maybe dropping a hippo on the code will make it as small as I want it to be? ;-))

Hey, buddy, if it's OT, TITTTL!

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