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FW: email list

On 19 March 2007 14:29, Andrew Louie wrote:

> why dont you just set up filters like this:

  I guess you weren't listening.  He wanted it to all just magically happen
without him having to lift a finger:

> On 3/17/07, Web Developer  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Can we not get this list to add [cygwin] to beginning of the email subject?
>> All other lists do it i have; just annoying to look at cygwin list
>> emails in gmail and trying to figure out where it came from without
>> setting up email filter or clicking the email itself.

  Figures that a "Web Developer" wouldn't be able to figure out how to drive a
fairly standard web application.  They're the IT equivalent of drummers!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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