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Re: Hippos in DE

On Mar 30 09:59, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:
> Dave Korn wrote on Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:54 PM:
> > On 30 March 2007 02:38, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) wrote:
> > 
> >>
> > [...]
> >   *nosip*
> OH! NO!
> Didn't know that.  And upon re-viewing, the bottle actually says
> something like "Alcohol Free", apparently in English.
> Can anyone explain to me why anyone bothers to drink alcohol-free beer?

Isn't it the taste which counts, rather than the alcohol?  I, for one,
don't see alcohol as an essential part of my diet.

A popular drink called "Radler"(*), consisting of one half light ale and
one half lemonade, is a very refreshing beverage in the summer, after or
in between a bicycle tour.  However, the bicycle tour could become
slightly fatal when drinking too much alcoholic Radler.  Ordering an
alcohol free Radler helps to stay in a good shape, regardless how hot it
is.  And there's this:  Not *every* non-alcoholic beer tastes bad.
Really, trust me.

>   And how can they get rid of ALL the
> alcohol.

They don't.  By law you can call your beer "non-alcoholic" if the
alcohol content is lower than 0.5% (or 1% in some countries).  So
a non-alcohlic beer is actually a very-low-alcoholic beer.


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