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RE: Access to Network Drive under ssh

%e <> scribbled on 07 March 2008 17:31:

> On Fri, 7 Mar 2008, Warren Young wrote:
>> Igor Peshansky wrote:
>>> Now, to work on standardizing IP over Cherenkov radiation...
>> many bits can he send before the event horizon evaporates?
> No, no, you misunderstood -- he doesn't actually *send* any bits.  He
> piggy-backs them on the particles coming *in*.  Sort of like extracting
> two-way bandwidth out of a one-way connection...
> 	Igor

  I hope you guys are getting this all... it's a real pain to have to send
emails by repeatedly adjusting the angle of the polarising filter that I'm
using to opportunistically send a zero or one every time one half of a pair
of entangled photons falls in....

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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