undefined reference to 'MessageBoxA@16'

James Paul Morgan jpmorgan@unm.edu
Fri Apr 11 01:45:00 GMT 1997

On Thu, 10 Apr 1997, R. Wester wrote:

> when compiling and linking:
> #include <windows.h>
> {SNIP} 
> I get the error message:
>     C:\temp/cc0010001.o(.text+0x26):wintest.c: undefined reference to 
>               'MessageBoxA@16'
> Can anybody tell me what is wrong?
You're not linking against the right library.  Unfortunately, I'm not 
100% positive which library it is.  However, my windowing stuff is linked 
against: -lcomdlg32 -luser32 -ladvapi32 -lgdi32.

Unless someone else can tell you which one specifically, I'd suggest 
linking against each one individually until the message goes away.  :)

See ya around the Mulberry bush.



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