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Re: system() call behaviour.

---Dan Paslawski <> wrote:
> I have an application which performs a sort on a datafile using
system utilities
> (via the function "system()").
> 	void sort_data(char *fname)
> 	char *command = new char[MAX_SIZE];
> 	sprintf(command, "cp %s %s.BAK", fname, fname);
> 	ercode = system(command);
> 	if (ercode == 0)
> 	{
> 		sprintf(command, "/bin/sort -n +1 -T . %s.BAK > %s", fname, fname);
> 		ercode = system(command);
> 	}	
> 	if (ercode != 0) printf("Error %d returned by system()\n", ercode);
> When running this under the Cygwin Bash environment, this code works
properly.  However,
> if I run the code in a Windows NT Command Prompt Window (or an
MS_DOS Window under
> Windows 95),  the calls to system() fail.  I have also tried this
segment of code with other 
> commands (eg. dir, copy, mspaint), with the same results.
> Any suggestions?

MSDOS shells cmd.exe/ do not understand the /bin/sort path.
 I suggest that you set PATH to point to the sort executable and
remove the /bin/ from the command.

> Dan
> -
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