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"not a valid win 32 application"

I just got the compiler installed, and tried compiling source code from
a book's example code.  It compiled without errors (once I used -mwindows), 
produced an a.exe, but a.exe would not run.

The error it gave me when I double clicked the icon was, "a.exe is not a
valid Win32 application."  What would cause this, and how can I fix it?  I 
can send source code if needed.  I couldn't find any reference to this
problem in the list archives, at least through search.

A simple hello-world compiled fine to run at the command line, so I'm
fairly sure the compiler is installed properly.  I'm using example code
for testing the gui because I'm only starting to learn Windows
programming.  (I'm very familiar with C and C++ in unix and dos, and
familiar with visual basic, but not the win32 api yet.)

Jenny Gable

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