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Re: set_new_handler (Sven Wastlund) writes:
> I am porting a program from UNIX to NT which uses the function set_new_handle
> r and I linked it with libgcc.a but I still got the error:
> undefined reference to set_new_handler

Without any code, it's impossible to figure out why you're getting this.
Post a short test case and someone will look into it. Short answer is
that it's there and it works.

Are you including <new> in your code to pick up the right prototype?

> Is there any other library I can use?


here's a quick example (haven't tested it, so beware for syntax errors
and so on):

  #include <new>
  #include <iostream>

  void my_handler () {
    cerr << "no more memory" << endl;
    abort ();

  int main( void ) {
   set_new_handler (&my_handler);
   int *foo = new int [100000000];

$ c++ -o new-handler
$ ./new-handler


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