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Re: Multiple .dll refs from one .a? (libvfw32)

Hello Mike,

Mike White <> wrote:

MW> Has anyone actually successfully run a program that
MW> links with cygwin's libvfw32.a (that's Video for
MW> Windows)?  Specifically, the VFW32.LIB from MS's
MW> Win32 SDK actually refers to functions available in
MW> 3 separate .DLL's, none of which is actually named
MW> VFW32.DLL.  So linking works fine, but when run,
MW> my program (a port from MSVC) complains that it can't
MW> find VFW32.DLL. (In fact, no such .DLL exists afaik).
MW> The 3 actual .DLL's are MSVFW32.DLL, AVIFIL32.DLL,

    You confirmed suspection I had about that. It seems that some of
implibs provided with gnu-win32 distributions are not functional. One
reason is that they are built simple-minded, e.g. lib<something>.a
refers to <something>.dll, which sometimes not true. You showd one
example, I may rememember libth32.a for ToolHelp32 package which tries
to import functions from some th32.dll which I never saw on any win9x
system, while those functions live in kernel32.dll .

MW> Anyhow, I think I should be able to just link against
MW> the separate .a files.  But, is there any way to
MW> actually make a working file that does what
MW> libvfw32.a "wants" to do?

   But you set question about possibility to have one implib for
several dlls. IMHO, that's impossible with current gnuwin32 approach,
or more specificall, might be possible, but require special treatment,
tools for what is not available. I bet if you first create separate
implibs for each dll and then merge them together, you won't get
working solution.

   So, better have separate implib for each dll and link with them

MW> Thanks,
MW> Mike White

Best regards,

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