Snpashot bug (was: Missing definitions in wincon.h)

Chris Faylor
Sat Jul 31 18:34:00 GMT 1999

I've added these definitions.  I meant to do this the first time you
mentioned it but somehow it slipped through the cracks.



On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 12:45:59AM +0200, Christian Jullien wrote:
>Sorry to send this message again, but the latest 2 July snapshot still do
>not have the following defines in wincon.h (This include is for console
>application and those defines are taken from my VC++ 6.0).
>I just downloaded the cygnus-inst-19990702.tar.gz.
>Recompiling my favorites apps, I found that, at least, the following
>definitions are missing from <wincon.h>
>#define FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED    0x0001
>#define RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED        0x0002
>#define FROM_LEFT_2ND_BUTTON_PRESSED    0x0004
>#define FROM_LEFT_3RD_BUTTON_PRESSED    0x0008
>#define FROM_LEFT_4TH_BUTTON_PRESSED    0x0010
>#define MOUSE_MOVED   0x0001
>#define DOUBLE_CLICK  0x0002
>#define MOUSE_WHEELED 0x0004
>Thanks for the mainters to add the above

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