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building CrossGCC under cygwin

I took the gcc-sources at

I try to build a cross compiler : 


With B19 under NT4, I get messages like :

  ( cd //z/top ; ranlib )       <---- [this line] 
  cd: lstat /z failed
  ranlib: libiberty not found
  make[1]*** Error 9
  make*** Error 2
when I run  'make install'  on binutils-19990818.
What does it mean ?? What is this 'lstat' ??
[this line] is from the middle of libiberty/Makefile
If the specified path was //c/top , I get :
  cd: lstat /c failed

(The first steps : '.../configure ...'  and  'make all'  work, even if there is 
a lot of warnings)

On Windows 2000 and Windows 98, neither B20.1 nor B19 can even launch 
'configure' (it says something like: bash: configure: is not a file nor a 

H E L P   M E   P L E A S E   ! ! !

thank you,

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