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Re: shift: can't shift that many

On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 05:17:08AM -0700, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>--- "John A. Turner" <> wrote:
>>"John A. Turner" wrote:
>>>I've successfully built a cygwin version of XEmacs 21.2.34
>>>however, during make install, I get lots of msgs from bash related to
>>>the shift built-in - as in the subject:
>>>shift: can't shift that many
>>never mind - I can't believe this, but I've been bitten by the "sh is
>>really ash" feature in cygwin
>>I've been using cygwin long enough to know better, but somehow after an
>>update I forgot to fix that
>Rather than using a workaround, why not submit a patch to ash for this

We'll accept a patch if this actually fixes behavior within the goal
of ash but not if this adds something to make it compatible with bash.


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