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Horrid Configuration - more data. Help Please

As stated in another message.... but now more details.

We have a lab full of PCs, all with secured desk tops, running NT. We
can do some configuration, but not all, as we do not administer the
usernames used on these machines. We can set some environmental
variables and map some drives when "our" students log on.

I want the students to be able to use xemacs to edit, and gcc to
compile C and C++ code. The students "should" have experienced using
the DOS command prompt, but will not have encountered Bash, and we
will not have time to teach it, and unix directory structure to them
(not to mention friction from Windows addict collegues). 

(I also want access to the other utilities so that I do not curse
and swear when I type ls not DIR, cat not TYPE and so on)

So, I need to set the system up to run gcc etc. from the NT/Dos
command prompt.

We have already set up the path, and gcc, ls et. al. runs. What is
failing is that gcc does not find include files (and probably lib
files, but we have not got that far yet.)

All the recent Cygwin documentation I have found assumes use under
Bash where the unix like file system solves these problems.

Also, if we run xemacs from an icon, and then compile from within
that, I assume xemacs will inherit the "default" environment, and
then gcc will inherit that. (Please correct me if I am wrong.)

We cannot ask the first time users to type in a long command with all
the flags and options, so we need to set up the defaults (probably via
environmental variables).

I have looked at some gcc documentation, but it assumes unix directory

(I remember the useful envvar "DJGPP" that solved this problem for us
before NT.)

    Dave Whiteley

E-Mail: Dave Whiteley <>
Date: 03-Aug-2000
Time: 15:25:20

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