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Re: sendmail

<16 Dec 2000, 16:32 Uhr wars, als Stephen C. Biggs folgendes schrub:>
< Re: sendmail >

> I also have it ported...
> I can't get bind to compile... bind 8.2.2 patchlevel 7 needs too much 
> from ipv6... the bind that is offered on the cygwin web site is binary 
> only and this completed my port of sendmail, but I don't trust 
> something that I can't compile myself...

The bind binary is not o.k., i didn't get perl compiled with libbind.a
Too much undefined references.

> Besides, why use sendmail when Mercury/32 works like a champ 
> and does pretty much all that you should want...

Am i able to use Mercury on cygwin? Well, there are some other mail 
programs for cygwin available (i think so, didn't search for), but i 
like sendmail, i tried to build it on cygwin, but i failed.

Are there alternative programs which could be built on cygwin with less 
problems, maybe some where is a configure included?

Gerrit Peter Haase

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