Setting cygdrive prefix to '/' causes disappearing mounts

Earnie Boyd
Tue Sep 19 06:35:00 GMT 2000

--- Bernard Dautrevaux <> wrote:
> For me the patch is OK: being able to explicitely mount things under
> /cygdrive (or whatever it's named) is OK; there was just a misunderstanding
> on what exactly was the cygdrive prefix...

The /cygdrive "prefix" is a pseudo mount point for the unmounted devices.  IMO,
and for the reason this thread exposes, I wouldn't allow access to unmounted
devices.  This would make it more UNIX like.  However, I don't see this
changing as there are benefits to /cygdrive as well.  At the time /cygdrive was
invented I argued that the string should be /umnt to more represent what it's
intent was (besides being shorter) but that suggestion was rejected and
/cygdrive was born.

Now, /cygdrive was invented because the //d convention was getting in the way
of UNC paths.  It caused long delays if the path you referenced didn't exist
locally as you have to wait for the timeout period for each of the domain
servers you have on your network to timeout.

For those of you using the // prefix for unmounted drives I urge you to
reconsider.  Either start using /cygdrive or rename /cygdrive to something more
to your liking such as /umnt but stay away from changing it to //.


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