libm.a linking errork

Earnie Boyd
Thu Sep 21 16:41:00 GMT 2000

In this case, your use of -lm is in the wrong location on the line.  Your
example builds without complaint when you:
  gcc -o pgm pgm.c -lm
Yes, location of the library switches make a difference.

--- Bob McGowan <> wrote:
> I remember seeing some posts regarding libm, libc and libcygwin over the
> last few months, but I can't find anything in the archives that refers
> to the error message I'm seeing.  But I did find some questions asked
> about why changing the current handling of the library names should
> change.  Either this is a reason or I have somehow misconfigured things,
> though I can't see where.  So I'm also attaching the output of cygcheck
> -v -r -s below, just in case;)


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