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makefile that doesn't work

I have of set of makefiles that donn't work under win NT and 2000, but
seem to work under '98 ,'95     (and djgpp on those targets), and
FreeBSD, Linux.

- Shell (cmd.exe or bash) doesn't seem to matter.
- I don't have djgpp on the 2000 machine to test.

I isolated the problem part, this makefile snippet prints the current
path, but not under
cygwin on NTish systems.

It seems to be the line with shell in it, but I don't know enough about
makefile semantics to hunt it down or locate the problem spot.

I do monitor the list, but irregularly, so please CC me any replies.

# Don't edit, this file is generated by fpcmake v1.99.0 [2001/02/02]
default: all
override PATH:=$(subst \,/,$(PATH))
PWD:=$(strip $(wildcard $(addsuffix /pwd.exe,$(subst ;, ,$(PATH)))))

ifeq ($(PWD),)
PWD:=$(strip $(wildcard $(addsuffix /pwd,$(subst :, ,$(PATH)))))

PWD:=$(firstword $(PWD))
BASEDIR=$(shell $(PWD))

    echo $(BASEDIR)

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