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Re: //c - Ouch!

> The problems you state are exactly the reasons for removing this syntax
> for accessing drives.  It's too dangerous and problematic.

As cgf was saying the other day, small incremental changes are often more
acceptable in open source projects. Maybe the cygwin dll should have gone
through  a six month period whereby //c was broken completely and then
repaired to recognise UNC paths rather than local drives.

I do know that the //c provided such a useful way to describe a local drive
without referring to back slashes that it has been incorporated into other
Windows based products (some Analog Devices command line tools for example).

It's just that the implications will effect a lot of users and the release
note ( has it
mentioned as the fifth item under "User level change overview".

I'm sorry to stir this up again, but I think this needs to be in big bold
flashing letters!


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