Mark mdpfbgd@flash.net
Wed Aug 1 11:31:00 GMT 2001


This is probably a moronic question (I'm a newbie, dont have an xtra box to 
put GNU stuff on, sooooooo, I'm using cygwin to educate myself on things 
unix (directory structure, etc).

I installed cygwin xfree86 etc. on an NT 4 box while logged in as an 
administrator ON A DOMAIN (a real NT domain).  However, when I try to 
run off the network (in NT logged in using same name "Administrator" and 
same everything else (EXCEPT on a local (ie nonexistent, ie the name of my 
puter MDPLAPTOP)), home is lost, the path isnt right, etc, etc.

So, its not logging me in right or is giving wrong permissions.  Reading 
profile helps the path problem but not $HOME$.

Any help?
In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey . . .
Does fuzzy logic tickle?

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