cygrunsrv and .bat files ??

Glenn Mabbutt
Wed Aug 1 12:37:00 GMT 2001

Hi. I've got a 2 line batch file that I'm trying to run as a service on 
NT/2000 (starts a secure tunnel client which spawns vncviewer in listen 
mode, then kills vncviewer process after secure tunnel client exits).  
Tested so far on an NT Wkstn 4.0 sp6a.

The batch file works fine as stand-alone.

I can daemonize it using FireDaemon, works just fine (however, I'd rather 
not ultimately end up using it due to their licensing).

I've tried installing it using "cygrunsrv -I VncControl -p 
c:\vnc\vncviewer.bat", that appears to work (service shows up, no errors at 
this point) - I've confirmed the path is correct as far as the filesystem 
goes.  However, trying to start it using "cygrunsrv -S VncControl" or "net 
start VncControl", I get an error saying "error 1062: Service not started".  
So far, I've tried this with cygrunsrv and cygwin1.dll in the c:\vnc 
directory (where the batch file is), as well as moving the batch file to the 
/ of my Cygwin installation, and running cygrunsrv from /bin (I thought 
maybe it was a path problem).

Anything I'm missing??  Can cygrunsrv handle .bat files or only 

Also, in the readme I don't see an option for enabling "interact with 
desktop".  Is this possible??  In my case it won't help, I tried enabling 
that manually after installing the service with cygrunsrv, it made no 


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