[law@redhat.com: Move to co-location facility]

Christopher Faylor cygwin@cygwin.com
Fri Aug 17 08:22:00 GMT 2001

----- Forwarded message from law@redhat.com -----

From: law@redhat.com
To: overseers@sources.redhat.com
Cc: tobin@redhat.com
Subject: Move to co-location facility
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 18:28:42 -0600
Reply-to: law@redhat.com

I'm pleased to announce that we'll be moving the machine which provides
services for sources.redhat.com and gcc.gnu.org to a co-location facility
this Saturday night.  This move should greatly improve the amount of
bandwidth available to the machine.

The move is planned for late Saturday night (roughly midnight PST), total
downtime is expected to be around an hour.

We're trying to set things up so that the DNS updates will happen at the
right times and that the old IP address will work for a little while to deal
with any out of date DNS servers.

If everything goes as planned, the downtime should be around an hour late
Saturday night (midnight PST).  If things go wrong (and they always do), well,
the downtime will be longer.

Please notify your projects asap.  I'm sorry about the short notice to 
overseers, but there were some issues that just now sorted themselves out.

Fun fun.


----- End forwarded message -----

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