
Jochen Küpper jochen@unc.edu
Sat Aug 18 13:26:00 GMT 2001

>>>>> r gee wrote on Sun, 19 Aug 2001 02:31:44 -0800:
r> what is a POOL??

These little dips with water in them... :)

r> and how do you change the POOLSIZE??

Well, sounds like a TeX question, you should ask on the appropriate
ml. And state your question clearly, giving as much information on
your problem and system configuration as possible.

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit                http://www.Jochen-Kuepper.de
    Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité                GnuPG key: 44BCCD8E
        Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll

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