X questions here?

Charles Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Mon Aug 27 11:21:00 GMT 2001

Christopher Faylor wrote:

> Can I ask that people not be helpful to Cygwin-Xfree questions in this
> mailing list?  Since we have a mailing list devoted to the subject, I'd
> rather that people were just redirected there.
> I don't think there is any reason to discuss these issues in an
> inappropriate mailing list.

I agree. I understand the reason for the discussion here of the most 
recent X-related thread -- it seemed to be a "borderline" case to me. 
It concerned ssh and x-forwarding, and seemed to only minimal concern 
xfree.  Reasonable people could disagree as to whether *that* thread 
belonged here, or on cygwin-xfree.

I lean toward cygwin-xfree, and apparently, you do as well, Chris. 
Since you're the moderator (as it were), you have the authority to 
establish *exactly* where the border is, for these "borderline" cases.

Thanks for clarifying the issue.


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