Up-to-date info on '-mno-cygwin' vs. Mingw32

Paul G. pgarceau@qwest.net
Thu Aug 30 17:32:00 GMT 2001

On 30 Aug 2001 at 13:24, the Illustrious Jesper Eskilson wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm trying to get my hands on some up-to-date info on what the
> difference (if any) is between building binaries using Cygwin's gcc with
> the -mno-cygwin flag and using the Mingw32 suite. Mumit Khans
> -mno-cygwin howto seems a little bit out-of-date.

	That is likely because it is.  What is at Mumit Khans site is legacy Mingw32 materials.  
The latest evolution of Mingw and the appropriate links to download that evolution can be found, 
as noted by another respondent, at http://www.mingw.org

	Paul G.

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