/usr/share/vim/vim58/syntax/dtd.vim has errors

Don Sharp dwsharp@iee.org
Fri Aug 31 02:25:00 GMT 2001

While editing the file indicated below I got the following message from
vi running in an rxvt.

"mis.xml" [noeol][dos] 201L, 6121C
Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vim58/syntax/dtd.vim:
line   31:
Not an editor command:   finish
line   35:
Trailing characters: cpo&vim
line  162:
Undefined variable: s:dtd_cpo_save
Invalid expression:  s:dtd_cpo_save
line  163:
No such variable: "s:dtd_cpo_save"

My cygwin is up to date as of yesterday.

Hope this means something to someone somewhere 8>)


Don Sharp

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