RPM 4 under cygwin

Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) lhall@rfk.com
Wed Dec 19 08:28:00 GMT 2001

At 11:02 AM 12/19/2001, Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
> > setup.exe recently added the ability to track dependencies between
> > packages, though dependencies on certain versions of other packages is
> > still to come.
>The power of RPM is to be able to track dependencies between packages. It 
>helps releasing core software and libraries separately, with cross-depedency 
>checking. There is no real limit to the power of RPM.

In case there is some confusion generated by my response, the capabilities
of RPM and Debian's dpkg have been discussed extensively on this list.
It's not a new topic.  

I won't debate which is better nor do I feel it appropriate for me to 
offer a comparative review of feature of each w.r.t. setup.exe (I know
you were looking for some information like that though).  setup.exe is 
the current installer.  The goal is for it to eventually include 
the ability to install RPMs and Debian packages.  It's a work in progress.

For more details on the previous discussion of RPM/dpkg/setup.exe, see the
email archives.  

FWIW, I like RPM.

I also see the value of setup.exe.

Forgive me if this touches off some flame-war over which installer is
the best.  I'd rather it didn't! :-)

Larry Hall                              lhall@rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      http://www.rfk.com
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
Holliston, MA 01746                     (508) 893-9889 - FAX

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