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Christopher Faylor
Tue Jan 30 12:39:00 GMT 2001

On Tue, Jan 30, 2001 at 02:31:32PM -0600, Timothee Besset wrote:
>cd //computer doesn't work here, I have to cd //computer/share
>and therefore it expects me to know the computer name AND the share name. 
>Are there any ways to ls // to get a big list of computers, ls //computer 
>to get the share names etc.? Is it a planned feature?


>(yeah ..  you are going to tell me that I can send a patch ..  I would
>gladly do if days had more than 24h)

Yep.  That's the common excuse.  However, imagine if you actually resolved
to set aside some time to try to actually learn cygwin internals fully and
started contributing.  You may never make the time up but you would have
features that you want and you'd be benefitting thousands of people.


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